Growing our commitment to community and global engagement

TCS has made the strategic decision to launch the Community and Global Engagement department, an expansion of our current Global Engagement team.

Under Leanne Wruck’s leadership and Emily Karem’s vision, this newly revised office will work to expand the global engagement model we currently utilize to include domestic community work and opportunities for the entire TCS community. This office will provide leadership, infrastructure, and support for transformative learning experiences by cultivating collaborative, impactful relationships among faculty, staff, students, alumni, trustees, and the local and global communities of which we are a part.

In addition to domestic immersion experiences (utilizing our study abroad model), this office will launch TCS Talks, which will include the following:

  • Globe Talks: Our Globe Talks will continue to be an opportunity to bring a global perspective, regardless of ability to travel.
  • Community Impact Series: Virtual, year-round, discussions introducing our community to thought leaders in higher education, experts on key functional areas, best practices, and the diversity of thought necessary to expand our own internal strategic thinking. Each talk will be cross-disciplinary in nature and focus on positive community impact and will highlight one or more of our colleges.
  • Break 2 Educate: Break 2 Educate perpetuates a culture of learning across the System by offering a platform for virtual, year-round professional development opportunities for employees.

TCS Talks will bring to life our colleges’ collective vision and serve to utilize our thought leadership platform to make positive change in the world.

The System looks forward to the new opportunities this initiative will create for us to carry out our mission in preparing innovative, engaged, and purposeful agents of change to serve our global community.