Alumni testimonials: “I Am TCS Ed”

TCS Education System hosted an inaugural board conference Feb. 19-20 that brought together trustees, presidents, and leaders from our across the system and institutions. The vision was to build community with trustees and learn about relevant issues affecting the sector, particularly our colleges and universities. One segment of the conference featured alumni from all five institutions coming together to share their stories in “I Am TCS Ed.” Here is what some had to say:

“How did my education at The Santa Barbara & Ventura Colleges of Law (  impact my life?” said alumna Jana Johnston, who practices probate and real property law and is also now a COL trustee. “Well, it’s responsible for an extraordinary part of who I am and what makes me happy.”

Jayanti Tambe, executive director of early care and education at UCLA, credits her time at Pacific Oaks College ( to the person she is today.

“Thanks to my Pacific Oaks education, I am an emerging leader,” said Tambe, who received a M.A. in human development from POC. “I am who I am. I am independent. I am innovative. I’m energetic.”

One thing was clear. We’ve got a lot to be proud of, and much to look forward to.­

“They are inspirational,” said Rev. Mary Tudela, a trustee of both Pacific Oaks College & Children’s School in Pasadena and of TCS Ed. “That was a very inspirational experience. From a leader’s perspective, it makes palpable how our work impacts the world.”

She said each alumni brought to mind a phrase—“ripples of intention”­—used by Dr. Michael Horowitz, president of TCS Ed, in describing how trustees can affect change, and the world around them.

“Each one of these is a pebble, and think about the ripples they touch, the lives they touch,” Rev. Tudela added. “When you do the math, that’s pretty awesome. It was very enlightening and very affirming.”

Dr. Horowitz said the panel surpassed his expectations.

“To hear their achievements, their commitment to their professions, their communities, it makes me feel great about the work that we’re doing,” he said. “It’s going to inspire the trustees to work even harder to create opportunities for students to make connections, to create opportunities for students to work with our communities, to get jobs for our alumni. I think this is the energy that they will harness.”

Before & After: Dallas Nursing Institute gets new look

Every logo tells a story. And seeing a logo for the first time, like meeting someone, leaves an impression.

Dallas Nursing Institute, which joined TCS Education System in 2013, wanted to tell its story in a new way and create a contemporary, positive impression within the local community. Our marketing team couldn’t wait to take on the challenge.

What’s involved? Myriad details, including a new logo, a new website, and a new message tailored to the March 11 surprise reveal to faculty and staff. First, our TCS Ed System marketing research team conducted studies to better understand the target audience and their motivations—a key element to ensuring that the new story was reflective of their needs and objectives. Then, our creative services team worked closely together to develop a new visual and verbal identity for DNI. The new approach more accurately reflects the school’s spirit of compassion, integrity and service, and capacity to transform its students by empowering them to embark on their journeys of independence and fulfillment.DNI_logo comparison

The old logo is reminiscent of an EKG reading. But DNI is more than diagnostic exams and charts. Its students are mature and energetic, representing a multitude of cultures. They want to advance their own careers, but they also have an innate desire to help others to live better and healthier lives.

The logo and rebranding aim to show what sets Dallas Nursing Institute apart from other nursing schools, including its highly qualified faculty, rigorous clinical training, and a holistic approach that puts the patient first.

At the core of the new logo is a cross, an icon that evokes life and rejuvenation, a symbol that has been used to represent the medical profession for centuries. Four pentagonal shields surrounding the cross call to mind DNI’s rigorous educational program, and its students’ commitment to serve and care for others. The logo’s slate blue coloring reflects the strength and reliability of a DNI education and its graduates, while the logo’s amber gold color evokes the warmth, compassion, and optimism of the nursing school’s faculty, students, and alumni.


DNI President Dr. Pat Perryman likened the unveiling of the new logo to the arrival of spring.

“This new logo and look reignites the fact that DNI is still progressing and innovating,” she said. “Getting people ready for that next generation is what’s going to make a difference in health care.”

Check out DNI’s new look at and let us know what you think.

Tweet us your impressions @TCSEdSystem or DNI @WeAreDNI.