Work-from-Home Netiquette


Web Conference Netiquette

Ensure proper lightning
Make sure you have light around your face. Too much light from behind (such as a window) will make you look like a shadow.


Mute yourself
If you are not actively talking or preparing to talk, then make sure you are muted.


Ambient noise
Be mindful of the sound which may emanate from your surroundings and adjust accordingly. Mute notifications from your computer, phone, or other devices.


Adjust the angle
If you have a webcam, place it on top of a monitor. If you are conferencing from a laptop, make sure it is bolstered to eye level. Invest in a wireless keyboard and mouse.


Dress to impress
You want to make a good impression. At minimum, have an appropriate top on, even if you are wearing house slippers.


Avoid typing
Typing during a meeting can be very distracting. Not only does it make a lot of noise, but it signals that the attendee is not attentive.


Refrain from eating
Rule of thumb: if you wouldn’t bring food into a meeting or classroom, then don’t eat during a web conference.


Monitor Chat
Make sure to check the chat window periodically throughout the meeting.


Maintain “eye” contact
Be mindful that your audience is the webcam. As awkward as it may be, look at the webcam lens when talking or listening.


Check your tech
Test your equipment before your web conference. Familiarize yourself with your webcam and mic, and with the functionality of GoToMeeting. Log in a few minutes before the call.


Keep background professional
Be mindful that your background will reflect on you. Make sure that your surroundings are tidy and not distracting.


Stay seated and focus
Avoid checking email, using your phone, or moving around during your web conference. If you need to excuse yourself, notify in chat and turn off your webcam.